Dale Van Minsel
My artistic objective is to transform ordinary objects into distinctive creations, prompting viewers to perceive them in an entirely novel manner.
Prior to the advent of digital photography, dramatic alterations of images could be achieved through the use of Infrared film, specialized darkroom effects, or Polaroid films. In the present era, I employ digital photography and Artificial Intelligence technology in conjunction with computer software to effectively manipulate color, layers, depth, exposure, and texture, thereby creating truly unique images.
The majority of my current work is created utilizing an iPhone. The iPhone, along with emerging AI technology and current photo applications, are the best collection of tools for generating these images. The applications enable me to achieve saturated, luminous colors reminiscent of Polaroid film. I frequently enhance these images further by employing multiple applications to precisely achieve my desired visual outcome. While I also enjoy working in conventional photography, the emerging art form of “iPhoneography” affords me greater freedom to explore the boundaries of an iPhone and imaging software in creating artistic images.